Linz: AUA closes ground station on May 31, 2021
The Austrian Airlines ground station in Linz-Hörsching will close its doors on May 31, 2021. This affects 26 employees who have already been registered with the employment service for the early warning system. On Thursday, employees were informed about the transfer of operations to ISS Austria at a staff meeting. A spokesperson for Austrian Airlines confirmed the closure of the ground station. ISS will take over the services currently offered by AUA on June 1, 2021. The 26 employees have the option of switching to ISS via a transfer of operations. In Klagenfurt, a similar solution was negotiated with the airport there, but those affected did not take advantage of it. "Austrian Airlines, Linz Airport and ISS Austria were able to agree on a transfer of operations for Austrian ground staff. From June 1, 2021, the employment relationships of all 26 employees will be transferred to ISS Austria if they so wish. This solution means that jobs at the site can be retained. Austrian Airlines would like to thank Linz Airport and ISS Austria for the good discussions," a media representative from Austrian Airlines told Aviation Direct. With the closure of the AUA ground station in Linz, the Lufthansa subsidiary will only offer ground handling services in Innsbruck and Vienna in the future. It has already withdrawn from Salzburg, Graz and Klagenfurt. A few weeks ago, AUA told Aviation Direct that it had no plans to withdraw from Innsbruck. In Vienna, it is - alongside the airport and AAS - a major provider in this segment.