Breeze Airways: Neeleman wants to send A220 to long-haul routes
The US startup Breeze Airways, behind which David Neeleman stands, plans to operate both Airbus A220-300 and Embraer E190/195 aircraft. During an online conference, company founder Neeleman explained that they are relying on this dual strategy. They will initially start with regional jets from the Brazilian manufacturer, as the first A220-300s are not due to be delivered until October 2021. Breeze Airways has ordered a total of 60 units. The manager has not yet named any destinations, but said that the first flight will take place in summer 2021. They are on the "home stretch" in terms of the approval process. In total, the startup organized 74 Embraer regional jets. Depending on the route profile, they want to use E190, E195 and later also A220-300. The latter type will primarily be used on longer routes. Neeleman also explicitly said that the Airbus A220-300 will be used for long-haul flights. He emphasized that the costs are lower than those of the Airbus A321LR. In this context, talks are underway with the manufacturer about installing additional tanks in order to further increase the range of this type of aircraft. Among other things, the A220 is planned to fly to Europe and South America. However, exact destinations were not mentioned.