Airbus A220-300 (Photo: Air Baltic).
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2023: Air Baltic achieves record profit

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The Latvian airline Air Baltic was able to publish promising business figures in its 2023 annual report. The airline achieved its highest-ever profit this year.

The Latvian Air Baltic was able to conclude a successful year in 2023, as can be seen from the 2023 annual report. The carrier was able to significantly increase both sales and profits, as the comparison to the previous year shows. Sales in 2023 were 668 million euros, which is not only an improvement over the previous year, but also a record when all annual sales are considered. A historical high was also achieved in terms of profits. Profit amounted to 2023 million euros in 34, an improvement of 88 million euros compared to the previous year.

The number of flights operated and passengers handled was also sustainably improved. The Latvian airline was able to operate 65.500 flights, an increase of 30 percent compared to the previous year. In parallel with this development, the number of passengers also rose sharply and the airline was able to handle 4,5 million passengers.


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