Airport company terminates contract with security service provider

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The BER airport company has terminated its contract with the security service provider ESA Luftsicherheit GmbH. The reason for this is repeated delays in paying the company's employees' salaries. The termination will take effect after a notice period of June 30, 2024. According to the airport company, the security of airport operations is never at risk.

Although ESA Luftsicherheit GmbH is not directly involved in the security checks of passengers and their baggage, it does carry out important checks on employees, vehicles and goods deliveries in the aviation security sector. Other security service providers are responsible for passenger checks.

The decision to terminate the contract was made after several reminders from the airport company, which had informed the company of the delays in salary payments. According to the airport company, the continued unreliability on the part of the service provider is jeopardizing the contractually agreed services. In order to ensure seamless operation of the security checks in the future, the contract is expected to be awarded to a new provider from July 1, 2024. An abbreviated tendering process will be initiated to ensure that a new service provider can take over the tasks until the regular end of the contract.

Berlin-Brandenburg Airport Terminal 1 (Photo: Granit Pireci).
Berlin-Brandenburg Airport Terminal 1 (Photo: Granit Pireci).