The Austrian Customs Office (ZAÖ) has presented its half-yearly balance sheet for 2024 at Vienna Airport and is reporting passenger numbers back to pre-corona levels with 14.340.635 people. Customs officers carried out 20.972 checks and recorded 3.162 findings. Mobile control units carried out 169 checks in 27.151 operations and registered 298 findings. The majority of the arrests took place at Vienna Airport.
Finance Minister Magnus Brunner praised the successes achieved in the fight against smuggling and illegal activities and emphasized the importance of these measures for protecting the Austrian economy, public safety and the environment. Vienna Airport CEO Günther Ofner emphasized the high level of professionalism and cooperation with customs officials, which was crucial for handling the busiest travel day to date with 113.000 travelers at the end of June 2024.
In the tobacco sector, a total of 579 cigarettes, 569.052 cigars and cigarillos and 3.749 kg of water pipe tobacco were seized in 156 seizures. Drug seizures included 3,9 kg of cannabis and 120 kg of khat. In the area of species protection, there were 35 seizures, including 3 kg of caviar and 5 pieces of ivory.
Customs officers also seized numerous animal products, including 115,5 kg of fish, 4.236 kg of meat and 1.937 kg of dairy products. In the cash control area, over 1,2 million euros in cash was seized. In addition, counterfeit products worth over 5,6 million euros were seized in the product piracy category.