DB trains in Munich Hbf (Photo: Jan Gruber).
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Again: Deutsche Bahn increases prices

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Deutsche Bahn (DB) will increase prices for long-distance travel from December 15, 2024. Particularly affected are flex prices, route season tickets and the "Bahncard 100", which will increase in price by an average of 5,9 to 6,6 percent.

Deutsche Bahn cites increased costs as the reason for the price adjustments, which are primarily due to recent wage agreements. The integrated Germany Ticket, the price of which will rise from 49 to 58 euros per month, also plays a role in the increase in the "Bahncard 100".

Criticism of the price increases comes from the Federal Association of Consumer Organizations (VZBV), among others, which complains that despite rising prices, there are still problems with the reliability and punctuality of the railways. The previous prices will continue to apply to travelers until December 14th.


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