Flood (Photo: Roman Gaggl/Armed Forces).
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Federal army helps out with AB212 in Tyrol and Carinthia

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Since August 30, 2023, an AB212 transport helicopter from the Federal Army has been supporting people and material transport in Tyrol following the severe storms. The helicopter flew to Vomp the day before and will support the emergency services in the Ötztal from today. This means that there are currently two helicopters to provide assistance, one in Carinthia and one in Tyrol.

 "In addition to the help from the air, our soldiers have also been providing great help on the ground for almost a month. Our soldiers are currently deployed in Carinthia, Styria and Tyrol and will help wherever helping hands are needed. Our army has recently proven once again that it is promptly on the spot both at home and abroad and can work hand in hand with other emergency organizations. Our population can always rely on our experts. At this point I would also like to thank all the emergency services and the soldiers for their commitment," emphasized Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner.

Since August 4, 2023, up to 400 soldiers have been on assistance missions in Carinthia, Styria and Burgenland. After the situation in these regions has calmed down a bit in the meantime, there have been storms in Tyrol in the last few days and, as a result, there has been a request for assistance. 46 soldiers are currently deployed in Carinthia, where they are used for drinking water analysis, ferry operations and reconnaissance flights. 43 soldiers are deployed in Styria, working on 2 damaged areas, solving blockages and helping with the clean-up work.

If a catastrophe is imminent - for example due to persistent rain - the soldiers prepare in their barracks and stand by. To move out, there is always a requirement from civil authorities from the federal, state or local governments. The state warning centers are then responsible in their region and coordinate the use of the army in accordance with the helpers of the fire brigade and other organizations.


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