Hamburg Airport will again carry out important maintenance and repair work on its runways in 2024 to ensure the safety of flight operations. From May 27th to 31st, 2024, runway 15/33 (Norderstedt/Alsterdorf) will be closed for five days. During this time all flights take place via Niendorf and Langenhorn.
Martin Borstelmann, civil engineering project manager at Hamburg Airport, explains: “During the annual maintenance work, we remove rubber abrasion at the landing points, flush the drain lines, renew the markings and check the runway lighting.”
After the summer holidays, from September 9th to 23rd, 2024, runway 05/23 (Niendorf/Langenhorn) will be closed. At the same time, the top surface layer of the parallel taxiway D1 will be renewed over a length of around 900 meters.
The EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) has increased its safety requirements, which is why Hamburg Airport must regularly carry out close observations and quickly respond to any defects discovered. Further daily closures for important work on the electrical infrastructure will be announced shortly.