Airbus A321neo (Photo: Korean Air).
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Korean Air celebrates 40 years of flight connection between Frankfurt and Seoul

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Korean Air is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the flight route between Frankfurt and Seoul-Incheon. The South Korean airline has been connecting the two cities since June 20, 1984, and during this time has developed Germany into an important market in Central Europe. It started with flights via Paris, but today Korean Air flies nonstop with a Boeing 777-300ER, which offers 277 seats in three travel classes.

The anniversary was celebrated on October 17, 2024 in cooperation with Frankfurt Airport, the Korean Cultural Center and the Korea Tourism Organization. In addition to high-ranking representatives of the airline and the airport, the Consul General of the Republic of Korea, Kyungsok Koh, also attended the event. As part of the event, the previous Regional Manager, Germany & Switzerland, Kiyong Kwak, was bid farewell and his successor, Shin Yong Uhm, was introduced.

Shin Yong Uhm emphasized the importance of Frankfurt as a hub in the airline's route network and underlined Korean Air's commitment to continue offering comfortable connections between Germany, Korea and other Asian and Oceanian destinations.

The anniversary celebration also offered guests insights into Korean culture with traditional dances and K-pop performances, while Korean food and a yuzu beer tasting provided culinary highlights.


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