Leipzig / Halle Airport (Photo: Leipzig / Halle Airport GmbH, Uwe Schossig).
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Leipzig incident: ADV sharply criticizes climate stickers

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On the night of July 31 to August 1, 2024, activists from the group "Last Generation" entered the grounds of Leipzig/Halle Airport without permission. ADV General Manager Ralph Beisel condemned the action as a "criminal and reckless act" and accused the activists of deliberately exploiting the summer break to gain media attention. Beisel emphasized that the airport operators have comprehensive security concepts that worked successfully in this incident.

According to Beisel, the intruders were not interested in a meaningful debate about climate protection, as they had rejected offers of discussion. Instead, he described the activists as criminals who were abusing the right to assembly through their actions. The security measures at the airport, including the alarm and detection systems, effectively averted the danger to employees and the intruders themselves.

The police and air traffic control worked together quickly and efficiently to handle the incident, which, according to Beisel, demonstrates the effectiveness of the security measures.


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