Linz Airport offers trial flights for aviation enthusiasts

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On September 21, 2024, Linz Airport will be offering a trial flight day in cooperation with the aviation clubs Fliegerclub Bussard, FlyLinz and Wings of Linz. Under the joint umbrella brand "Linz airSport", interested parties can fly a sports aircraft for the first time under the guidance of experienced flight instructors. The day is aimed at everyone who wants to experience the world of aviation up close and gain an insight into private pilot training.

Each participant goes through a comprehensive program that ranges from flight preparation (briefing) to the actual flight and debriefing. Friends and family members of the participants are also welcome to watch the trial flight up close and round off the day with a shared trolley meal.

The trial flight day lasts two hours and costs 180 euros per participant. Interested parties who are unable to attend on September 21st have the opportunity to arrange alternative dates or purchase vouchers for future trial flights. Further information and registration options are available at

Linz Airport (Photo: Michael David).
Linz Airport (Photo: Michael David).