Bicycle at night (Photo: Unsplash & Thomas Jarrand).
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Merkel emergency brake: legal to the airport by bike?

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Large parts of Germany are currently suffering from the "emergency brake" implemented by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). Among other things, this provides for nightly exit restrictions from a seven-day incidence of 100. While cycling is allowed, no travel should be allowed.

This also includes trips by car, train or flights. But due to international agreements, Germany cannot impose a night flight ban for all airports. This leads to the curiosity that arriving during “curfew” is legal, but traveling home by car would then be illegal. But if you walk or use the bike, then you are at least moving in a gray area.

The industry association BDL calls on the German government to ensure that arrival and departure remain permitted. At the same time, however, Angela Merkel's environment is initially falling on deaf ears. Lufthansa told various media that it is currently not expected that flight operations will have to be restricted due to the "emergency brake".

While Austria, for example, is now giving specific dates for opening lines that are still closed, German politicians are suggesting that there should be no easing before the end of May 2021. It would be more likely that there will be further tightening. The benefit of night curfews is rather low, as the example of Austria shows.


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