In the summer of 2023, Germany and the United Kingdom emerged as the most important source markets for Greek tourism. The residents of these two states are said to have been particularly keen on spending, as according to the research institute of the Sete Tourism Association, they accounted for 44 percent of total spending.
The statistics also show that Greece had six million arrivals from these two countries alone. These ensured 62,1 million overnight stays and sales of 8,11 billion euros.
According to the latest Insete study, last year το 47 percent of all arrivals, 43 percent of overnight stays and 50 percent of spending were in the all-inclusive sea and sun segment. In total, the segment accounted for 7 million arrivals (of 15,01 million), 61,2 million overnight stays (of 142,29 million) and 9,2 billion euros (of 18,5 billion euros) in 2022.
Travelers from Germany generated 2,56 billion euros or 28 percent of the total value with 1,76 million arrivals and 14,8 million overnight stays or 24 percent of the total value. In terms of length of stay, British tourists spent an average of 117 euros per night in the Sea & Sun segment, while German travelers spent an average of 144 euros and 173 euros on all-inclusive products. According to Insete, the average spending per night for most markets is 130 euros. The average length of stay for British citizens is said to have been 10,1 nights. Germans stayed slightly longer with 10,3 overnight stays.