If you want to visit the Italian lagoon city of Venice in the future, you have to reserve the trip to the old town in advance.
Ab dem Sommer gilt eine kostenlose Buchungspflicht für diejenigen, die in der Altstadt ankommen. Ab dem kommendem Jahr soll eine „Eintrittskarte“ eingeführt werden, um die auf dem Wasser liegenden Teile wie das historische Zentrum besichtigen zu können, wie der ORF in Bezugnahme auf den Tourismusbeauftragten Venedigs, Simone Venturini, berichtet.
When the free online reservation will be necessary for this summer is still completely open. The answer to this question will only be clarified in the coming weeks and then also announced. The regulation is intended to enable better advance planning and provide information on how many people will be in the city.
From 2023 ticket required for visit to Venice
The ticket for 2023 is especially important for day trippers to the UNESCO World Heritage Site. According to Venturini, anyone who books a hotel in Venice should not have to worry about it. Locals didn't need the ticket anyway. These are only victims of the mass tourism that has prevailed for years. Visitor numbers dropped significantly during the coronavirus pandemic. Nevertheless, there is still a need to better control the flow of tourists in the future. According to media reports, hundreds of thousands of visitors were in Venice around Easter.