Vienna Airport condemns protest action and demands compensation

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On July 27, 2024, a protest took place at Vienna Airport, during which demonstrators scattered confetti and attempted to block passenger routes. Despite the disruptions, flight operations continued as planned.

Der Flughafen Wien äußerte scharfe Kritik an den Aktionen und bezeichnete sie als „sinnlosen und kontraproduktiven Aktionismus“, der weder zur Klimaschutzdebatte beitrage noch eine positive Wirkung habe. Der Flughafen betonte, dass der Luftverkehr in Europa nur einen geringen Anteil von 0,52% an den CO2-Emissionen habe, in Österreich sogar nur 0,16%.

The airport's security forces and staff redirected passengers to avoid delays. The airport announced that it would take criminal action against those responsible and demand reimbursement for damage and clean-up work. Vienna Airport thanked the police and its own security forces for their efforts.

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Terminal 1 at Vienna Airport (Photo: Jan Gruber).
Terminal 1 at Vienna Airport (Photo: Jan Gruber).