Viennese people like to stay at home in summer

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A new study by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and SME Research Austria shows that two thirds of Viennese people enjoy their summer holidays at home. "Their own four walls are the most popular holiday destination for Viennese people," says Markus Grießler, head of the tourism and leisure industry division of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce. On average, Viennese people take 15 days of holiday, with a third spending it entirely outside the city, 47 percent partly in Vienna and partly elsewhere, and 20 percent staying completely at home.

Of those who travel, 55 percent are drawn to other Austrian states, 47 percent to the Mediterranean and 13 percent to long-distance destinations outside Europe. Leisure activities in Vienna are also varied: 65 percent meet up with friends or family, 52 percent enjoy food and culinary delights, 46 percent visit parks and gardens, 43 percent go hiking in nature. Visits to beer gardens and outdoor pools are also popular.

In the summer heat, 58 percent use the morning and evening hours to leave the house, 41 percent buy ice cream and 35 percent visit outdoor pools. Air-conditioned places such as museums and cinemas are used by 21 percent. To avoid the daily grind, 61 percent take more time for hobbies and 41 percent consciously switch off from work.

The most common sources of information for leisure activities in Vienna are the Internet (77 percent), personal contacts (45 percent) and newspapers/magazines (34 percent). WIFO expert Oliver Fritz confirms that Vienna offers many recreational opportunities, even in international comparison, and therefore represents an attractive vacation alternative for its own residents.

Wiener Riesenrad (Photo: Jan Gruber).
Wiener Riesenrad (Photo: Jan Gruber).