Airbus A350 (Photo: Air France).
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Air France CEO: Long-haul business travel recovers, short-haul remains challenging

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Air France CEO Anne Rigail reports a gradual recovery in long-haul business travel, while China traffic is recovering more slowly. On the short-haul side, however, there is no recovery. Rigail spoke to journalists on this issue and stressed that there is practically no recovery on short-haul routes.

The CEO's assessment reflects the current challenges facing the aviation industry, particularly in the context of the ongoing impact of the global pandemic. Air France and other airlines continue to struggle with lower passenger numbers on short-haul routes despite easing travel restrictions.

Rigail stressed the importance of a stable recovery of the air transport market for Air France's overall growth and profitability. The airline is closely monitoring the evolution of passenger demand and adapting its operational strategies accordingly to meet market challenges.


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