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Australia allows borders longer

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Originally, the entry ban for foreign tourists was supposed to expire in a few days. Nothing will come of this after all: according to reports, the borders will remain closed until December. A dampening for Australian tourism.

Australia has extended the so-called "Biosecurity Emergency Period" to December 17th. The online portal reports on this calf. This means that foreign tourists remain undesirable. The vaccination campaigns in the continent are also running slowly: Only 37,1 percent of the population can show that they are fully immunized, while just under 61,3 percent have at least one sting behind them.

The Australian Qantas and subsidiary Jetstar announced last month, the international Flight operations reactivate in December 2021. "It is obviously up to the government how and when we reopen our international borders," said Qantas CEO Alan Joyce. He shared his plans with the government "and they agree with our rough assessments and believe that our plan is sensible."


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