Ermal Muji

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Ermal Muji

USA: Finding an explosive device in the luggage

A man in the USA tried to "smuggle" explosives onto a commercial aircraft on Monday. This was discovered during baggage inspection at Lehigh Valley International Airport in Pennsylvania, and the man in question then fled the airport. When the man's suitcase was checked, the concerns were confirmed: the suitcase contained a real explosive device that posed a threat to the airport. After his name was announced, the man fled and was eventually caught and arrested in his apartment.

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Vienna Airport wants to break the 27 million passenger count this year

Vienna Airport aims to serve 2023 million passengers by 190, offering 27 destinations. The listed company has paid off 800 million euros in debt in recent years, and the company will be debt-free in 2022. In 2022, Vienna Airport will report revenues of 692,7 million euros and profits of around 128 million euros. In that year, they were able to become debt-free after paying off around 2011 million euros in debt since 800. More details on the latest financial figures of Vienna Airport AG can be found in this article. In the summer, the airport plans to start flights to 190 destinations, and in 2023 it is aiming to serve 27 million passengers. In the future, new connections will be offered in Europe and the Mediterranean region.

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Reconstruction of the Mriya: fans contribute to the financing

Der zerstörte Kultflieger Antonov An-225, auch als Mriya namhaft, soll wiederaufgebaut werden. Das einst größte Flugzeug wurde bei einer russischen Offensive auf den Flughafen Hostomel demoliert. Die Mriya stellte für Verehrer immer eine unvergleichliche Attraktion dar, unzählige Fans träumten davon, ein Foto des Fliegers zu ergattern. Durch die letztliche Zerstörung im Ukraine-Krieg verliert die Luftraumgeschichte eines ihrer Prachtstücke. Doch dieser Tatsache soll entgegengewirkt werden: die Ukraine sehnt sich einem Wiederaufbau des Antonov An-225, dies wird jedoch mit hohen Kosten assoziiert. Bis zu 3 Milliarden Euro werden für den Aufbauprozess benötigt. Der Neuaufbau soll jedoch künftig von Fans mitfinanziert werden. Im Videospiel „Microsoft Flight Simulator“, einem Flugsimulator, wie der Name schon verrät, ist die Mriya mittels Kauf spielbar. Durch die genannten Erlöse sollen Fans nun im Stande sein, das Flugzeug mitzufinanzieren, da jegliche Einnahmen mit Bezug auf den Flieger Antonov An-225 der Antonov Corporation zukommen werden.

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Boston: Near miss calls FAA into action

In Boston, incidents have been repeated in the recent past, as the number of near-accidents is increasing. As JetBlue Flight 206 initiates all measures for landing, the pilot of a Learjet 60 takes off. This leads to the following consequence: the FAA is immediately investigating the safety architecture in the US aviation system. The event unfolds as follows: the pilot of a Learjet 60 continues to take off and ignores an air traffic controller's instruction to wait for JetBlue Flight 206 to land. Although he has not only acknowledged this but also confirmed it, he begins to initiate the takeoff. This leads to the distance between the two aircraft ultimately being approximately 180 meters according to radar data. This is far too close and, from the FAA's point of view, a clear breach of current safety regulations. Due to multiple incidents of this category at US airports, the FAA considers it essential to examine the safety architecture in the US aviation system.

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Japan Airlines: Seven-hour round trip instead of non-stop flight

Passagiere des Flugs JL331 der Japan Airlines widerfahren einer viel längeren Flugzeit als geplant, um dann wieder am Ausgangsort anzukommen. Der im Normalfall zweistündig andauernde Flug von Tokio-Haneda nach Fukuoka entwickelte sich zu einem über siebenstündigen „Rundflug“. Die unerwartet lange Reise der Fluggäste geht mit der Verspätung des Flugs um zwei Stunden einher. Begründet wird dies mit einem Wechsel des Flugzeuges, die Ankunft des Reiseziels erfolgt um 22 Uhr – soweit der Plan, der aber nicht wirklich aufgegangen ist. Problematisch wurde dies durch das lokale Landeverbot nach 22 Uhr, denn es ist untersagt nach der besagten Zeit zum Landen anzusetzen. Dies gilt jedoch nicht für alle Flüge. Verbindungen, die aufgrund der Witterung verspätet ankommen, dürfen grundsätzlich landen. An jenem Tag kam es sogar zu Landungen nach der Normzeit, diese fallen jedoch unter die Ausnahme. Der Flug JL331 wird nicht in diese Kategorie eingeordnet, denn nicht die Wetterlage bringt zum Verschulden am verspäteten Landeversuch. Dies resultiert zur Abweisung und Antritt des Rückflugs nach Tokio-Haneda, wobei zuvor in Osaka-Kansai aufgetankt werden musste. Um 3 Uhr Lokalzeit gab es dann wieder eine Landung. Allerdings am Ausgangsort, also in Tokio-Haneda, wo die Fluggäste vor rund sieben Stunden ihren „Irrflug“ angetreten haben. Laut Japan Airlines wurden die betroffenen dann auf andere Verbindungen umgebucht. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass diese nicht wieder in Haneda enden.

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Dusseldorf: Continuation of flight operations after strike

After the strike called by the unions Verdi and Komba, Düsseldorf Airport is resuming flights. On Tuesday morning, after a 24-hour industrial dispute, Düsseldorf Airport is resuming operations. The strike lasted until 3:00 a.m., when it was finally called off. The initiative for this uprising came from the unions Verdi and Komba, who called for it. The aim of this strike is to bring public sector employees to justice. However, no further complications are expected, as Verdi spokesman Peter Büddicker reports. Normal operations resumed at 6:00 a.m., but delays should not be a cause for concern. The fight for a positive conclusion to negotiations led to hundreds of lost flights.

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Wizz Air: Flights to Chisinau will be canceled in the future

The airline Wizz Air wants to cancel flights to Chisinau in the future. The reason given is the concern of a Russian attack that could involve the Moldovan capital. From March 14, there will be no flights to the Moldovan capital Chisinau. The airline informed those affected of this on Monday. Moldova, as the affected state, is trying to counteract this cancellation by all means by trying to guarantee the protection of its airspace. The concerns of a Russian attack are intensified by the occupation of the breakaway region of Moldova, Transnistria, by Russian soldiers. Russia accuses the Ukrainians of planning an attack on these troops. Ukrainian President Zelenskyj, in any case, denies the allegations and reinforces the fact that these statements are untrue. "We respect Moldova's sovereignty," said Zelenskyj. For the Moldovan and Ukrainian population, Wizz Air is cancelled in Chisinau for the time being. However, the airline plans to offer more flights from Iasi in Romania instead. However, some routes will be paused without replacement.

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Alice Springs: Jetstar flight JQ30 made an emergency landing

An emergency on Jetstar flight JQ30 caused several hundred passengers to remain at Alice Springs airport for hours. The reason for this was apparently an electrical fault discovered during landing. The actual flight from Bangkok to Melbourne had to make an emergency landing at Alice Springs domestic airport due to an electrical fault. This required an unavoidable replacement, and the emergency landing took place on Sunday at 7:20 a.m. The result was as follows: passengers had to wait for hours while Jetstar did everything possible to let them disembark the plane. In the meantime, the air conditioning and entertainment system switched off, which caused outrage among the passengers. Seven hours later, at around 14:15 p.m., disembarkation was permitted in a separate area of ​​the Boeing 787-8. The passengers then awaited the replacement flight, which finally took them to Melbourne on Sunday evening. The luggage will not reach Melbourne until Monday as Alice Springs Airport was unable to load it onto the replacement aircraft.

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Russia: Negotiations with China on air travel

With the impending opening of China, aviation is also expected to increase. Despite Russia's good relationship with China compared to other countries, the exact sanctions still exist. This is to change in the future through discussions between the civil aviation authorities. Russia promises that it will be able to return to its previous level. Russian air traffic in China is also suffering the same fate as in all other parts of the world. Due to the current sanctions, Russian aircraft are not allowed to enter Chinese airspace. This applies to Russian aircraft that were previously registered in Ireland or Bermuda and have now completed registration in Russia, as well as to other aircraft that were never returned to foreign leasing companies. The Russian economy hopes to profit from China's opening, in which Corona restrictions will finally be abolished. The Association of Russian Air Transport Companies suspects that air traffic will decrease in the future because the number of slots at Chinese airports is being reduced due to the sanctions. This problem is to be discussed and resolved by the Russian Ministry of Transport together with its Chinese counterpart on March 26.

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