DHC Dash 8-400 (Photo: Jan Gruber).
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Bolzano: Skyalps has received AOC and operating license

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Skyalps is now officially an Italian airline, having obtained Enac AOC and operating licenses from the aviation authority. In the future, the flight operations, which have so far been carried out by Luxwing, will be offered independently. We are currently looking for flight attendants.

Bozen Airport's own brand originally started out as a so-called virtual airline. The operational execution of the flights was carried out by the Maltese Luxwing. Therefore, the machines are registered in the aviation register of Malta. The cooperation also included the establishment of our own AOC and our own operating license. This has now been received, which is why the cooperation with Luxwing is expiring.

Currently, the Skyalps flights are operated both by itself and by Luxwing. On January 11, 2023, the first own flight was carried out. The de Havilliand Dash 8-400 with the registration 9H-EVA was used. According to the company, this is the first aircraft to be operated on its own AOC. Skyalps' two-letter code is SW, while Luxwing's is BN.

Skyalps stated that all four de Havilland Dash 2023-8 should be transferred to their own AOC by the end of March 400. These are the machines with the identifiers 9H-BEL, 9H-EVA, 9H-ALE and 9H-PET. Some of these were previously at Austrian Airlines or Flybe in action.


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