A curious attempt at smuggling has now been uncovered in New Zealand. A woman tried to smuggle cacti on her body through customs at Auckland Airport.
But the action went in the pants - or rather in the socks. Because these must have had a few holes, the lady also hid some plants in them. What went unnoticed on departure in China was tracked down by the nose of a dog in New Zealand. The perpetrator then went to the toilet as quickly as possible to flush her goods down the toilet.
However, vigilant investigators were able to stop them in good time. And so they confiscated almost 1000 cacti and other succulents, some of which were even found in the woman's socks. The entire fund is worth nearly $ 10.000, like derbund.ch reported. The court found the smuggler guilty and ended up with a twelve-month suspended sentence and 100 hours of community service.