
This Aviation.Direct section deals with aviation topics Deutschland

This Aviation.Direct section deals with aviation topics from GermanyWhether Munich, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Cologne/Bonn or Rostock-Laage, you have come to the right place.

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Brandenburg Gate (Photo: Pixabay).

Lufthansa uses Boeing 747-8 and Airbus A350 to Palma

Apparently, the Germans have finally had enough of following their government's "stay at home" slogans, because Lufthansa says it is seeing a sharp increase in bookings for flights to Palma de Mallorca. Therefore, in July and August, long-haul aircraft of the Boeing 747-8 and Airbus A350 types will also be used from Munich and Frankfurt. Between

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Munich Airport's visitor park reopens

Airport fans had to do without many attractions in the Munich Airport visitor park for seven months due to the pandemic, but now most of the offers are accessible again, taking into account a consistent hygiene concept. The popular viewing hill with a view of the apron and the planes taking off and landing is now accessible again. The airport shop, in

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Munich Airport opens Terminal 1 again

Due to increasing demand, Munich Airport will reopen Terminal 1 on June 23, 2021. All airlines that were temporarily relocated to Terminal 2 will return to Terminal 1 – only Eurowings will remain temporarily in Terminal 2. The falling incidence rates and the advancing vaccination campaign as well as

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Munich: Air Dolomiti celebrates Linate maiden flight

The Italian Lufthansa subsidiary Air Dolomiti is now offering a non-stop connection between Munich and Milan-Linate. The first flight took place on Monday. The repeatedly postponed route to Forli is scheduled to start on June 21, 2021. The destination is about 30 kilometers from the Imola Formula 1 race track. The route will be flown

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First rescue helicopter flies with bio-kerosene

New milestone in international aviation: In Munich, a rescue helicopter flew for the first time with environmentally friendly kerosene. The aircraft was a helicopter belonging to the non-profit ADAC Air Rescue. The rescue helicopter, an Airbus H145, was ceremoniously inaugurated at the air rescue station at the Munich Harlaching Clinic in the presence of the

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MUC: VipWing celebrates its tenth anniversary and reopening

Exactly ten years ago – on June 1, 2011 – the VipWing at Munich Airport opened its doors to travelers for the first time. Due to the pandemic, the VIP area in Terminal 1 had to remain closed in recent months. From now on, the VipWing can once again welcome guests from all over the world, taking into account the currently applicable hygiene regulations.

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Corpus Christi: Lufthansa increases tourist routes

Nach Austrian Airlines kündigte auch die Konzernmutter Lufthansa an, dass über das Fronleichnam-Wochenende das Flugangebot temporär aufgestockt wird. Im Fokus stehen dabei touristische Ziele in Griechenland, Portugal und Spanien. Vom 3. bis 6. Juni erhöht die Airline ihr Flugangebot zu Urlaubsdestinationen in Spanien, Portugal und Griechenland. Sowohl ab München als

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Munich Airport confirms ambitious climate targets

Die im internationalen Flughafenverband ACI Europe zusammengeschlossenen Airports haben ihre ambitionierten Klimaziele auf dem heutigen zweiten ACI-Kongress zur Nachhaltigkeit im Luftverkehr bekräftigt. Dabei erneuerten die Flughäfen ihre Zusage, die von den Airports selbst verursachten CO2-Emissionen spätestens bis zum Jahr 2050 auf „Netto-Null“ abzusenken. Als einer der ersten Airports Europas hatte

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Lufthansa announces seven Eurowings Discover routes

Die Lufthansa Group wird im Sommer 2022 ab München und Frankfurt sieben zusätzliche Langstreckenziele anbieten. Diese können ab 26. Mai 2021 gebucht werden. Es handelt sich um Angebote der Eurowings Discover, wobei zunächst Lufthansa-Flugnummern genutzt werden. Ab der bayerischen Landeshauptstadt werden Punta Cana, Cancún und Las Vegas aufgenommen. Ab Frankfurt

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Prototype of the “Panther” stops at Munich Airport

Er ist ein Jahr älter als der Münchner Airport und stand als Löschfahrzeug fast drei Jahrzehnte im Dienst der Flughafenfeuerwehren in Genf und Sion: Der 1991 fertiggestellte Prototyp des Flughafenlöschfahrzeugs Panther des österreichischen Herstellers Rosenbauer.  Auf seiner letzten Dienstreise aus dem Schweizer Sion zum Feuerwehrmuseum Bayern in Waldkraiburg legte der

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