
This Aviation.Direct section deals with aviation topics Deutschland

This Aviation.Direct section deals with aviation topics from GermanyWhether Munich, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Cologne/Bonn or Rostock-Laage, you have come to the right place.

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Brandenburg Gate (Photo: Pixabay).

Easyjet builds a new hangar in Berlin

The low-cost airline Easyjet will build a new maintenance hangar on the site of Berlin-Brandenburg Airport. This is scheduled to be completed by August 2023. After that, aircraft from the A320 series will be serviced here. The cost of the project was estimated at around 20 million euros in an official statement. The building permit application documents have been submitted and are

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Deutsche Bahn cuts express trains to BER

Berlin-Brandenburg Airport is enjoying a rise in passenger numbers again, but Deutsche Bahn is now making things complicated for travelers. Construction work is taking place during the peak holiday season, which means that the airport express FEX, the RE7 and the RB14 are temporarily suspended. This means that there are currently no express connections to BER.

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Delayed insolvency at Air Berlin? BGH has the proceedings repeated

Air Berlin had to file for bankruptcy in the summer of 2017 and still has numerous courts involved. A debt collection agency has now been found to be right by the Federal Court of Justice, as it had numerous claims assigned to it and brought them in the form of a kind of class action lawsuit. The insolvency administrator defended himself against this lawsuit, but lost before the

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DFB is looking to free Qatar Airways flights

There seems to be no real harmony between the German Football Association and Lufthansa anymore, as Lufthansa refused to fly the footballers around Europe for free for the European Championships – also citing the financial consequences of the Corona pandemic. For the national team, flights in economy class are an obvious

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Scoot returns to Berlin via Athens

The low-cost airline Scoot plans to fly to the German capital Berlin again from August 10, 2021. Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft will be used. Three rotations per week are planned for the time being. However, these are not non-stop flights, as the low-cost airline from Singapore Airlines will make a stopover in Athens, Greece.

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Lawsuit against Etihad: BGH denies German jurisdiction

Air Berlin insolvency administrator Lucas Flöther suffered a bitter legal defeat before the German Federal Court of Justice. The Supreme Court denied the jurisdiction of the German judiciary in connection with the damages claim brought against Etihad Airways. Flöther brought a damages claim against the major shareholder in Berlin on behalf of the bankruptcy estate. The latter countered with a declaratory action,

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BER notices a significant increase in the number of passengers

Der Flughafen Berlin-Brandenburg verzeichnete im Juni 2021 ein deutliches Wiederanziehen der Passagierzahl. Im direkten Vergleich mit Mai 2021 nutzen fast doppelt so viele Reisende den Airport. Man zählte rund 653.000 Fluggäste. Ein Grund für den Anstieg sind die gesunkenen Inzidenzzahlen in Europa und die damit verbundenen Lockerungen der Reisebeschränkungen in

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Out for the operating company of Tempelhof and Tegel

In Berlin endete am Montag ein Stück Luftfahrtgeschichte, denn die Betreibergesellschaft der Flughäfen Tempelhof und Tegel hat die letzte Aufsichtsratssitzung abgehalten und die Verschmelzung der Berliner Flughafen-Gesellschaft auf die Flughafen Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH beschlossen. Mit Bedauern und Trauer nahm der BFG-Aufsichtsrat zudem zur Kenntnis, dass der langjährige Flughafenchef von Tegel, Prof.

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Premiere: Sundair uses widebodies for the first time

Die deutsche Fluggesellschaft Sundair verzeichnet derzeit auf den Strecken von Deutschland nach Beirut eine stark gestiegene Nachfrage. In Berlin ist diese derzeit so hoch, dass die vom Carrier selbst betriebenen Maschinen zu klein geworden sind. Erstmals in der Firmengeschichte fliegen Widebodies unter Sundair-Flugnummern. Den Auftakt macht die bulgarische Fluggesellschaft Gullivair,

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