Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Berlin, Düsseldorf - the most important airports in Germany. What's going on there and at other German airports and what's new - in this section.

Extensive information about new routes, projects and what else is going on in German aviation can be found in the “Germany” section. In the main menu you can also switch to the sub-headings of the individual airports.

Tip: There is news from here Austria, Switzerland and the rest of the world.

Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Berlin, Düsseldorf - the most important airports in Germany. What's going on there and at other German airports and what's new - in this section.

Extensive information about new routes, projects and what else is going on in German aviation can be found in the “Germany” section. In the main menu you can also switch to the sub-headings of the individual airports.

Tip: There is news from here Austria, Switzerland and the rest of the world.


Eurowings presents Corona travel assistant

After the umbrella association of airlines (IATA) presented the Covid-19 map, Eurowings is now also presenting an in-house travel assistant: the “Eurowings Flight Guide” is intended to help people keep an eye on entry regulations, which often change at short notice. There

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Germany: Lauda only flies wet leases

In future, Lauda will not operate any flights for its own account, but only ACMI services for Ryanair from Stuttgart and Düsseldorf. According to the management, this should not have any effects on Vienna and Palma de Mallorca. The airline Lauda

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Eurowings reports high demand

The lifting of the international travel warning is said to have spurred the Germans' desire to travel. The Lufthansa subsidiary Eurowings is further increasing the flight schedule due to "soaring demand". Around 80 percent of the destinations are to be resumed in the course of the summer.

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Germany: Ryanair takes over Lauda wages

A collective agreement is now also to be concluded in Germany. There could be up to 20 percent less wages for the higher earners. From the management's point of view, job cuts are inevitable. For the Lauda crews in

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Germany: Lauda has money for wages

The German Lauda employees in Düsseldorf and Stuttgart will definitely look in vain for their May salary on their checking accounts, because the company announced on Thursday that they are no longer able to pay this. Already

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German Lauda employees fear for wages

In Düsseldorf and Stuttgart, according to a circular from the HR manager, the May salaries cannot be paid out due to a lack of funds. The company is suing the authority's decision and asks the Verdi union for help. While in the airline

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Dish: Eurowings suffers "snack failure"

In the previous year, Eurowings canceled snacks and drinks in the short-haul smart tariff. This annoyed numerous passengers. The consumer center Hamburg even went to court in connection with an inventory booking and won. The times when gourmet menus are included on short-haul flights

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Tuifly is preparing “Corona Comback”

It will be compulsory to wear face-to-face masks on board Tuifly. We are currently working intensively on the creation of a flight plan for the restart. After the forced Corona break, the holiday airline Tuifly wants to resume flight operations as soon as possible. Current

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