
This Aviation.Direct section deals with aviation topics from the Switzerland.

This Aviation.Direct section deals with aviation topics from the Switzerland. Whether you choose Zurich, Basel, Geneva, Bern, Lugano, Altenrhein or Sion If you are interested in Switzerland, you have come to the right place.

Quick access to the news from your airport:

Paderborn: Green Airlines wants to offer Zurich and Sylt

The charter company Green Airlines intends to offer the destinations Sylt and Zurich from Paderborn from March 26, 2021 with an ATR 72-500 operated by Chalair. The airport is currently in insolvency proceedings. Green Airlines also wants to offer charter flights to Zurich from Sylt. These are to be operated with the aircraft that was built in Paderborn

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Zurich: Edelweiss increases Punta Cana

Switzerland removed the Dominican Republic from the list of countries requiring quarantine. Edelweiss has already reacted to this and is planning to increase the connections from Zurich to Punta Cana to three rotations per week. The Swiss holiday airline currently offers one rotation per week. This takes place on Saturdays. In November, Edelweiss will also be offering flights to

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Malta puts Austria and Switzerland on the “Amber List”

Die Republik Malta setzt verschiedene Länder, darunter auch Österreich und die Schweiz, auf die so genannte Amber List. Das hat zur Folge, dass Personen, die auf dem Luftweg über Länder oder Airports, die sich auf dieser Liste befinden, bei der Einreise einen negativen PCR-Test, der nicht älter als 72 Stunden

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Media: State aid is said to be scarce at Swiss and Lufthansa

According to various media reports that have appeared in Switzerland, the Lufthansa subsidiary Swiss is once again facing the prospect of applying for state aid. According to the articles, the funds that were made available in the form of loans are slowly but surely running out. Switzerland has so far intervened in favour of Swiss and its sister company Edelweiss.

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Covid-19 study shows: travel restrictions make perfect sense

Travel restrictions. Often labelled as industry killers, a study in 181 countries has now shown that such measures are indeed effective against the spread of corona. According to the study, countries that imposed entry restrictions in February or early March had significantly fewer corona deaths by the middle of the year, as can be read in the Handelsblatt. Up to 60

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Summer 2021: Chair relies on the classic hot water program

The Swiss holiday airline Chair Airlines is relying on a classic warm water program in the Mediterranean region in the 2021 summer flight schedule. The destinations on offer include Corfu, Kos, Crete, Rhodes, Thessaloniki, Zakynthos, Cyprus, Ibiza, Mallorca, Split, Djerba, Olbia and three destinations in Egypt. Chair expects that Hurghada, Marsa Alam, Sharm El

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RUAG sells Do228 production to nuclear power plant manufacturers

Die staatliche RUAG Holding gab bekannt, dass einige Assets am Standort Oberpfaffenhofen (Deutschland) verkauft werden. Betroffen sind das Wartungszentrum für Businessjets und Militärhubschrauber sowie die Produktion und Wartung des Musters Dornier 228. Als Käufer tritt General Atomics Europe GmbH auf. Laut Mitteilung sollen die 450 Arbeitsplätze erhalten bleiben. Das Unternehmen

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Switzerland ends plans for business airport Dübendorf

The military airport in Dübendorf (Switzerland) became known as a parking lot for numerous aircraft from Swiss and other airlines during the Corona pandemic. It was planned that this site would be used as a business airport in the future in order to relieve the pressure on Kloten. But that will not happen now, because the Swiss federal government is withdrawing.

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Enter Air stations Boeing 737-800 in Basel

Die polnische Charterfluggesellschaft Enter Air stationiert im Winterflugplan 2020/21 eine Boeing 737-800 auf dem Flughafen Basel. Der Mittelstreckenjet wird primär im Auftrag von Air Prishtina eingesetzt. Gemeinsam mit dem Reiseveranstalter besitzt man die Fluggesellschaft Chair, die aus der schweizerischen Germania Flug AG hervorgegangen ist. Laut Mitteilung des Unternehmens soll die

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Easyjet Switzerland keeps flashing from the Federal Council

In einer Ausgabe des Konsumentenmagazins Saldo kommt der Schweizer Bundesrat nicht gut weg. Im Gegenteil. Während Flag Carrier Swiss die Krise mit großzügiger Hilfe des Staates gut wegstecken kann, bekam Easyjet Switzerland bis heute nichts. Die beiden Fluggesellschaften kämpften regelrecht um staatliche Unterstützung. Umgerechnet 1,66 Milliarden Euro bekam schließlich die

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