The flight attendants from Lufthansa CItyLine, organized in the UFO union, have accepted the crisis collective agreement agreed with the management by a large majority. According to a statement by the employee representatives, 91,06 percent of the members voted in favor of the agreement.
"We are very happy to have reached a security agreement for our colleagues in the CityLine cabin, the great approval of our members is a great sign of unity and solidarity in these uncertain times," said Rainer Bauer, Head of Tariff at UFO.
While the first collective agreement was revoked by the employer at the end of September 2020, the UFO members at CityLine decided against the acceptance of the second agreement at the end of November 2020. In the third attempt, a mutually acceptable solution was found.
The concluded collective agreement contains aspects of job security such as protection against dismissal until December 31.12.2021, 2021. The Cityline cabin crew makes a significant contribution to the crisis. “The CityLine cabin will forego 13th salary, vacation pay and pay increases in XNUMX, but no layoffs need to be feared this year. The short term creates air and is at the same time a task in the crisis that is likely to last for years. This agreement is an important step on the way through these difficult times, ”summarizes Bauer.