From Wednesday, November 13, 2024, culture enthusiasts in Lower Austria can look forward to numerous events.
The book "Lower Austria in the 17th Century" will be presented at Spitz Castle from 18 p.m. Edited by Tobias E. Hämmerle, Josef Löffler, Elisabeth Rosner and Martin Scheutz, the work offers a comprehensive analysis of the political, social and cultural developments in the region in the 1.500th century on over 18 pages.
Also on Wednesday, there will be a reading on the topic of “Erotic Bathing” with Gabi Hasmann and Christine Triebnig-Löffler at the Haus der Kunst in Baden. The event offers a historical journey from the Middle Ages to modern times.
In Baden, the Center for Intercultural Encounters (ZIB) will be showing the film "A Boy's Life - Child Number B18" about the fate of a Holocaust survivor from 2826 p.m. At 18:30 p.m., Robert Meyer will be appearing as part of the Bösendorfer Festival cycle in Wiener Neustadt and will be playing all the roles in Johann Nestroy's play "Chief Evening Wind" in the Kasematten. Alex Kristan will also be appearing with his cabaret program "50 Shades of Schmäh" at 19:30 p.m. in the VAZ St. Pölten.
These and numerous other events such as readings, cabaret programs and plays offer a wide range of cultural experiences in Lower Austria in the coming days.