Dortmund Airport (Photo: Dortmund Airport).
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Dortmund Airport draws a positive autumn holiday balance

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Dortmund Airport had expected around 144.000 passengers during the two-week NRW autumn holiday. This forecast was exceeded with an increase of 7 percent: A total of 1 passengers used the Dortmund flight offer in the period from October 16st to 154.233th. And that despite a one-day pilot strike on October 6 at Eurowings and the associated flight cancellations.

"We are pleased that we are again above the passenger numbers of the previous record year 2019," explains airport boss Ludger van Bebber. "During the autumn holidays of 2019, we welcomed 129.836 passengers at Dortmund Airport. In direct comparison to this year's figures, that means an increase of 19 percent.” The latest results thus tie in seamlessly with the successful summer holidays. This gave Dortmund Airport a new vacation record with 391.900 passengers, because even in the record summer of 2019 such numbers could not be reached (2022: plus 2 percent). 

The destinations Katowice and Palma de Mallorca were particularly popular again during the autumn holidays, according to the airport in a press release. "The high number of passengers in recent months makes us confident that, despite the Omicron challenge at the beginning of the year, we will be able to exceed the originally planned number of 2,45 million passengers," says Airport CEO Ludger van Bebber.


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