Eurowings at Düsseldorf Airport (Photo: Eurowings).
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Düsseldorf: Chaotic conditions due to IT failure at Eurowings

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The situation at Düsseldorf Airport was chaotic on Sunday afternoon. The IT systems used by the airline Eurowings were not available. The dispatch had to be carried out manually. Boarding passes and baggage tags were issued with the ballpoint pen.

The consequences of this breakdown were in some cases extremely long queues, because according to eyewitness reports, there was only one check-in counter per flight for handing in suitcases or checking in. Boarding cards that were issued online are said to have not worked, at least in part.

Eurowings admitted to the Bild newspaper that there were “technical irregularities” in Düsseldorf. A spokesman: “There is currently a technical problem with the check-in and boarding software. A similar problem occurred between 13.40:14.25 p.m. and 18:00 p.m. We're working on it". The problems would have been resolved around XNUMX:XNUMX p.m., but considerable delays had accumulated by then. According to official information, no flight had to be canceled.

However, it is unclear how many passengers missed their departure due to the EDP glitch. There are no official figures for this yet. An unspecified passenger accused the Bild newspaper that the staff of the ground handling company commissioned by Eurowings had not checked the corona documents for "time reasons". A Eurowings spokesman explained: “Of course you are required to check the evidence in any case. We take the matter seriously and will resolve it internally."


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