Salt Lake City Boeing Office (Photo: Boeing).
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February 2022: Boeing delivered 22 commercial aircraft

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In February 2022, the US aircraft manufacturer was able to deliver a total of 22 machines. At the same time, 37 orders were received, 32 of which were for the Boeing 737 Max model.

The number of deliveries at Boeing marks a new low, because so few aircraft were last handed over to customers in August of the previous year. This is also related to the fact that the long-haul model 787 still cannot be delivered. It is therefore not surprising that the lion's share of the aircraft that left the factory in February 2022 were the B737 Max.

Of the 37 new orders that Boeing landed in February 2022, 32 were for the Boeing 737 Max. A customer who wished to remain anonymous for the time being ordered five B777Fs. Cancellations were also received: For example, Air Lease no longer wants four B787s. In return, however, 18 Boeing 737 Max were ordered.


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