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German Airways no longer flies for Green Airlines either

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The ticket marketer Green Airlines is now completely without an “airline partner” because German Airways announced on Monday that it will no longer fly for this client with immediate effect. Most recently, Green Airlines was only on the road to Cologne-Paderborn-Sylt.

“With immediate effect, German Airways is terminating its cooperation with Green Airlines for routes to and from Sylt. It had already been cut back a few days ago. The reason for this are different views on the jointly concluded cooperation agreement, "can be read in the media release from the Zeitfracht subsidiary."

After Air Alsie, which never took off for Green Airlines, Chalair, PAD Aviation, Alk Air and Just Us Air, which denied having ever signed a contract, they have now lost another “airline partner”. Since the ticket marketer is not an airline itself, you cannot operate your own flights. In any case, German Airways will no longer fly for Green Airlines and requests affected passengers to contact their ticket seller with their concerns.


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