Flixtrain wagon (Photo: Flixbus).
Last update
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Germany: Flixtrain is increasing the offer again

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With effect from April 11, 2022, the private railway company Flixtrain will increase the offer within Germany again. On those routes that are already being served, the number of available seats is being increased.

At the same time, train services between Munich and Cologne, Frankfurt/Main and Cologne, and Dresden and Berlin are resumed. Due to the corona pandemic, Flixtrain temporarily stopped operating completely. So far, not all routes have been reactivated, although on those that are already being used, the frequencies are significantly lower in direct comparison with the pre-crisis period.

That should change from April 11, 2022, because more sets should run again. As a result, the DB challenger has more seats for sale again. Train traffic is to be reactivated on the routes mentioned in the previous paragraph. Flixtrain uses the downtime to reactivate the wagons. For various reasons, there was also a change in the operating railway company on some routes.



  • pape, 21. March 2022 @ 18: 52

    I have never experienced such bad communication about the setting of your Flix-Train trains as with you.
    It's sad that such a branch of the company is going to the wall!

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