With the end of many Corona requirements, tourism in Germany is picking up speed again and is approaching the pre-crisis level.
In April, hotels, guesthouses and other accommodation establishments booked 35,7 million overnight stays by domestic and foreign guests, according to the Federal Statistical Office. That was more than four times as many as a year earlier (plus 320 percent). At that time, due to the corona pandemic, there was a ban on accommodation for guests traveling privately, which is why the Easter business practically failed. Compared to April 2020, when the first corona-related lockdown was in effect, this time the number of overnight stays was more than eight times higher (plus 722 percent). Nevertheless, the numbers were still 11,4 percent lower than in April of the pre-crisis year 2019.
"Overall, a positive trend can be seen in the number of overnight stays, since the gap to the pre-crisis level has been narrowing since the beginning of 2022," according to the statisticians. In March it was twice as much at 23,7 percent.