On Sunday afternoon, Aviation.Direct went online after a beta test phase in which around 250 users took part and gave us valuable feedback. Without any accompanying blah. What for? Nobody cares about any self-admiring texts how great you are or how many likes you have.
But we thank you for the many, many emails, WhatsApp messages and calls that we have received in the past few days. We were particularly pleased about the congratulations and praise, but constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement are also important to us. We are always happy about it.
We were positively surprised by the daily number of hits. We didn't expect that the demand for a new, innovative specialist portal would be so great. We also received numerous questions that we are happy to answer publicly in the interests of transparency. We have nothing to hide.
Is Aviation.Direct Austrian or Maltese?
Both. Aviation.Direct's home bases are Vienna and Qawra. The editorial team works in Austria, while tasks such as customer service, support, advertising marketing and licensing of texts and other content are carried out by our charming colleagues in Malta.
Why is there something in Malta when the focus is on the DA-CH region?
Setting up a new specialist medium, including the corresponding infrastructure that is required in the background, costs a lot of money. Thankfully, three investors, two German citizens and a major Maltese bank, which is omnipresent in Gozo and Malta, support us with initial investments. The renowned financial institution provides us with important services such as a service center. Furthermore, typical publishing activities, which can be simplified as daily paperwork, are done for us by our colleagues in Qawra. That relieves the Austrian team massively. It is precisely these publishing activities that will be performed by Aviation Direct Operations plc in the future. The shareholders are then the association and our three investors.
Where are taxes paid?
Naturally and properly in Austria.
Is there a connection with an airline, especially the Ryanair Group?
No. Aviation.Direct is independent, our service team is located about 45 minutes from Michael O'Leary's Maltese office and has a wonderful view of the Mediterranean Sea. There is no connection or influence on the reporting by an airline or any external person.
Do ads have an impact on reporting?
No. The advertising terms and conditions state that Aviation.Direct expressly reserves the right to reject advertisements that cannot be reconciled with the values of the specialist medium. We also point out that paid contributions must be clearly marked with the words "paid advertisement". So-called advertorials are currently not offered.
Why are some Aviation.Direct features not yet available?
These will only be rolled out step by step over the next few weeks and months. We want to offer you more than just a few job advertisements, but are working intensively with renowned institutions and organizations on something that could be very practical and useful for all employees and job seekers in the aviation and tourism industry. Some things just take longer and we definitely don't have any stress.
Who does the club belong to anyway?
An association has no owner, but belongs to itself. Members of the association are exclusively natural persons, namely those people who have built Aviation.Direct. The association also employs employees who are employed in Austria.
What is the meaning of the name Aviation.Direct?
The name should concisely reflect what we stand for: direct news from the aviation industry.
Why is austrianaviation.at advertised?
In addition to numerous other domains that we have for our own projects and customer projects, this one belongs to us. We can advertise our own URLs however we want. The words Austrian Aviation are neither protected nor protectable. We can advertise our own domains however we want.
Is there a connection to AANet?
No. A few editors have worked there in the past but other team members have not. Aviation.Direct is independent and has nothing to do with it.
If I have further questions, how can I contact Aviation.Direct?
Very easily: Click here and all possibilities are displayed.
Is there a newsletter?
Of course. Every day at around 20:00 p.m. you can receive the most important news of the day free of charge by email. Registration can be done at this link can be made free of charge.
Finally, we hope you enjoy the new Aviation.Direct platform and are always available to answer your questions, ideas, criticism and suggestions for improvement.
Aviation.Direct team.