Around seven months after the last flight, the actually insolvent regional airline is showing the first signs of life. The carrier could take off again as early as next year.
The Covid-19 pandemic gave the British Flybe the rest, on March 4, 2020 flight operations had to be suspended. Now the company is to be reanimated by Virgin Atlantic shareholder Thyme Opco, like reported. A sum for the takeover was not given. The aim is a comeback for the airline in the coming year.
This will "support jobs, regional connections and the local economy," according to the statement from the liquidators, the management consultancy EY. A spokesman for Thyme Opco told the news agency AFP that the restart would take place "on a smaller scale." He did not provide any more precise information about the number of employees. Flybe was recently one of the largest regional airlines in Europe with more than 2000 employees.