For a few weeks now, Nils Witt has been the sole managing director of Klagenfurt Airport, which was also hit hard by the corona crisis. The airport had to severely restrict its operating times temporarily, as the range of scheduled flights was very sparse. Business Aviation criticized this step.
In the second part of the mini-series, Aviation.Direct speaks with Nils Witt about measures that must now be taken to enable aviation to survive. The manager also gives an insight into the difficult time of the lockdown and is convinced that Klagenfurt Airport will be most strengthened by the crisis. To read: Aviation.Direct spoke with us in the first part of the miniseries Salzburg boss Bettina Ganghofer.
Aviation.Direct: What steps must governments and the EU take to enable the aviation and tourism industries to survive and make a comeback?
Nils Witt: The Austrian aviation industry is of indispensable infrastructural importance - and of course not only with regard to tourism aspects. The COVID-19 pandemic has existential effects on the entire value chain of this sector, especially at airports, which are an integral part of the process chains for private and business travel. From our point of view, it would be necessary to standardize the subject of travel restrictions at EU level in order to restore a certain degree of predictability for travelers, airlines and thus also airports. The current situation is leading to massive uncertainty in both the origin and source markets. Further measures, as already outlined by the ÖLFV, for example, should include an extended suspension of the so-called slot regulation or targeted financial support measures at regional, national and EU level in order to enable the reconstruction of the Austrian and European air transport networks in a coordinated manner and ensure the existence of the system secure the airports.
Aviation.Direct: Some airlines and the IATA argue that quick tests should be carried out before departure. This could be done, for example, during the security check. What do you think of performing quick tests before every departure and how could they be implemented for you?
Nils Witt: The implementation of quick tests at the Austrian regional airports is basically a topic that is part of the responsible authorities. In general, tests would probably increase the travelers' sense of security and thus also contribute to stimulating travel behavior, even though carrying them out would mean a significant additional operational effort. If necessary, Klagenfurt Airport will integrate such a process into the existing processes in the best possible way with the involvement of all those involved. It is very clear that we strive to offer our customers, all employees at the site and our employees the greatest possible security in all areas.
Aviation.Direct: Please describe a little how you and your employees experienced the sudden quasi-standstill in aviation and what feelings and thoughts did you have? How was the mood with you when the air traffic gradually started up again?
Nils Witt: I am convinced that the team at Klagenfurt Airport will emerge stronger from this crisis. This unprecedented situation has demanded great flexibility and emotional resilience from our employees. At the same time, we have also used COVID-19 as an opportunity to further optimize ourselves internally at all levels, to work out potential savings and to allow new perspectives. The strong support that we as a company receive from our owners is the basis for the continued positive development of our airport.