The airports that are part of the international airport association ACI Europe have confirmed their ambitious climate targets at today's second ACI congress on sustainability in air traffic. The airports renewed their commitment to reduce the CO generated by the airports themselves2- Reduce emissions to "net zero" by 2050 at the latest.
As one of the first airports in Europe, Munich Airport committed itself to ACI Europe's “Net Zero Carbon” initiative in 2019. A corresponding voluntary commitment has now been signed by 235 European airports. With this commitment, European airports want to help ensure that air traffic is completely decarbonised by 2050.
„Europas Flughäfen leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz, indem sie die von ihnen beeinflussbaren CO2- Reduce emissions continuously for more than ten years. At Munich Airport, the CO2-Emission per passenger will be reduced by around 2005 percent from 2019 kg to 5,67 kg between 3,08 and 46. If, despite the enormous burdens that the Covid-19 pandemic has put on them, European airports will once again move towards a complete reduction in their CO2-Emissions by 2050 are a strong signal for sustainable air traffic, "said Jost Lammers, President of ACI Europe and Chairman of the Management Board of Flughafen München GmbH.