In Austria, the first parliamentary party is calling for the rapid examination and, if necessary, the approval and use of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V. This was downright spurned in the “West” just a few weeks ago. Now Gerald Loacker, Member of the Neos National Council, is putting pressure on it.
In a media broadcast, the health spokesman for this parliamentary party appeals that the German government should work to ensure that the EMA “quickly checks whether the Russian vaccine Sputnik V can be approved”.
In Europe, it was criticized that the Russian Federation had already granted Sputnik V approval before the phase III study. The effectiveness was initially massively questioned. An effectiveness of 91,6 percent is now assumed. The only country in the EU that also relies on this vaccine is Hungary. The Orban government granted Sputnik V a national emergency license, which is only valid in Hungary.
Sputnik V is similar to the AstraZeneca vaccine
The Russian vaccine relies on the same technology as AstraZeneca's, which the European Union and EU member governments have had the highest hopes for. This was ordered in bulk because it is the cheapest vaccine on the market. However, a debacle is looming, because the British-Swedish group cannot deliver the promised quantities and, on top of that, the effectiveness is significantly lower compared to Biontech-Pfizer and Moderna. Most members of the European Union only vaccinate AstraZeneca to people under 65 years of age.
“We now have to do everything we can to ensure that as many people as possible are vaccinated. At the top of the list are of course the quality criteria that must be adhered to. Should it be confirmed, however, that Sputnik V is safe and works reliably, then the federal government, above all Chancellor Kurz and Health Minister Anschober, must ensure that Austria starts procurement immediately. In addition to the examination by the EMA, AGES can and must quickly start an approval process itself. The federal government is not allowed to sleep here again, with the result that we are the last to get a new vaccine, ”said Loacker.