Ski tours are climate-friendly if the arrival and departure times are right. In our new joint ski tour guide, we show that public transport is not only easy, but also offers many advantages. We are the climate protection organization POW Austria (Protect Our Winters), the NPO "Bahn zum Berg" and the Kompass-Karten publishing house.
In this ski touring guide, we present 36 summit destinations in North Tyrol that can be easily reached using public transport. Without any compromises, but with numerous advantages: sustainable and convenient arrival and departure, crossings without the hassle of returning to the car park and summit successes for all fitness levels. A hybrid ski touring guide including digital extension: a QR code on each tour takes you to the "train-to-the-mountain" public transport tour portal. From the GPX track to the appropriate timetable for arrival and departure, readers are given all the tools they need for smooth tour planning.
The aim of this joint project is to enable a broad target group to get started with ski touring using public transport. After the first title in the series "öffi Wandertouren Nordtirol", this book now offers the counterpart to the previous summer edition with many perfectly suitable ski tours, all of which promise great activities in their own right. In addition to the book, "Bahn zum Berg" provides the perfect technical service for planning support. Printed in Austria, "öffi Skitouren Nordtirol" meets the highest standards of environmentally friendly production with the Cradle to Cradle® certificate.
Bibliographic data
- Date of publication: 15.11.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX
- ISBN: 978-3-99154-058-8
- Equipment: Softcover printed in Austria, Cradle to-Cradle® certified, every tour digitally expanded
- Pages: 136, format: 15cm x 21,5cm
- Price: € 15,00