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Depressurization on Kenya Airways flight

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A pressure drop occurred on a Kenya Airways flight from Nairobi to Mombasa on January 12, 2023 at around 15:40 p.m. The Boeing 737-800 with the registration 5Y-KYD was in service.

The pilots immediately initiated the descent to about 10.000 feet. The oxygen masks were deployed as a precautionary measure, according to the airline. Flight KQ606 continued at low altitude. The plane landed in Mombasa at 14:58 p.m. local time.

Kenya Airlines writes in a statement that the cabin pressure problem occurred about 25 minutes after take-off. "Our crew immediately reported a depressurization emergency via air traffic control and after briefing the passengers, descended to a safe altitude of 10.000 feet," the carrier said. There are said to have been no injuries.


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