On the weekend at Salzburg Airport, the impression was almost created that the corona pandemic was over. Both Saturday and Sunday were almost as strong in aircraft movements as they were before the crisis. Many winter vacationers traveled back to their home countries.
For example, around 65 flights were visible on the display boards of Austria's second largest airport on Saturday. The last time there was so much activity was in January and February 2020, i.e. immediately before the outbreak of the corona pandemic in Europe.
Airport spokesman Alexander Klaus told Austrian radio among other things: "We did not expect that, because after the virus variant areas were announced, we assumed there would be waves of cancellations. But that did not happen relatively. Today's flight plan shows 65 lines, which in the end is almost like a normal winter charter Saturday, the only difference is that the planes are not as busy as they used to be ”.
The load factor of the aircraft is currently said to be between 40 and 60 percent. Salzburg Airport therefore hopes that the winter charters, with which the lion's share of annual sales are made, will remain stable over the next few weeks. However, this also depends on external factors such as the further development of entry and quarantine regulations and the demand from potential passengers.
Quarantine hotel near the airport is set up
In any case, the state of Salzburg wants to prepare for the Omikron variant and set up two more quarantine hotels. One of these is to be built near Salzburg Airport, said Provincial Councilor Christian Stöckl (ÖVP). The beds are to be used to accommodate passengers who are not allowed to enter but cannot return immediately. Furthermore, they want to be made available to holidaymakers whose corona tests are positive before they return home, if necessary.
A total of 80 additional beds are to be provided. According to Stöckl, the quarantine accommodation in Tamsweg has so far been very low. New segregation accommodation is to be built in Hüttau and near Salzburg Airport. The state government wants to sign the corresponding contracts with the companies in the next few days. The federal government bears the costs with a maximum of 75 euros per person per day.