Airbus A321F (Photo: Michael David).
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Smartlynx Malta is getting four more A321PCFs

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The Smartlynx Group is banking on further growth in the freight sector and will continue to expand the fleet of the Maltese subsidiary, which has been converted into a cargo specialist. To this end, four Airbus A321F, which are currently registered with the Latvian AOC, are being converted into freighters.

Smartlynx Airlines (Latvia) currently has seven Airbus A321s on the AOC. According to a statement by the group of companies, the aircraft with the registrations YL-LDA, YL-LDB, YL-LCZ and YL-LCX will be converted into freighters by Elbe Flugzeugwerke in Germany and will be operated as cargo aircraft by Smartlynx Malta from the end of 2021.

The group of companies is increasingly focusing on the freight business and has converted the Maltese subsidiary to this. This is the group-internal competence center for cargo and is, among other things, on behalf of DHL Leipzig / Halle and Linz in action.

The 9H-CGA was launched a few weeks ago the first A321PCF put into active liner service. The contract with the logistics group DHL includes two machines of this type. The 9H-SLC will shortly also take off - after conversion - as a freighter on behalf of the Deutsche Post subsidiary. Taking into account the recently confirmed increase in the cargo fleet by Smartlynx, six Airbus A321Fs will be operated in the future.

Airbus A321F (Photo: Michael David).

The widebody area is also being expanded

In the widebody area, Smartlynx Malta will gradually build up a fleet of five units. The first Airbus A330 is ahead Arrived at Luqa airport a few days. This bears the registration 9H-SMA and will shortly be placed in the cargo liner service. The other A330s Smartlynx Malta will receive are as follows:

9H-SMC (MSN: 937; ex-Onur Air)
9H-SMD (MSN: 1382; Ex-Evelop)
9H-SME (MSN: 954, Ex Onur Air)

The origin and registration of the fifth Airbus A330 are still open. These are passenger planes that are converted into freighters. The commissioning takes place gradually. The 9H-SMA will kick off. This also previously flew for Onur Air. Taking into account the latest announcements, Smartlynx Malta will operate six A321PCFs and five converted Airbus A330-300s. The Group's cargo fleet will thus grow to a total of eleven aircraft. According to reports, it should not end, because one is in the planning for a further increase.

Airbus A330 (Photo: MAviO News / Keith Pisani).

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