Stuttgart Airport at night (Photo: Robert Spohr).
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Stuttgart Airport extends short-time work

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Stuttgart-Echterdingen Airport is extending the short-time work that has been in effect since the beginning of the corona pandemic until at least the end of March 2022. After that, further regulations of the emergency collective agreement will come into force, the operating company announced.

Among other things, the agreement stipulates that the working hours of around one thousand employees will be reduced by one hour per week. The term of the emergency collective agreement is limited to the end of 2023.

“The corona pandemic has led to a dramatic decline in air traffic that has still not been overcome. Airlines and airports continue to face economic challenges. The extension of short-time working until spring helps us to secure jobs and keep the company financially stable. As a good and reliable employer, liquidity and job security continue to have top priority for us, ”explains airport director Walter Schoefer.


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