Mit der Zeitumstellung am Wochenende wechselt auch das Angebot der Airlines zum Winterflugplan. Nach jetzigem Stand bieten die Fluggesellschaften ab Stuttgart 61 Ziele in 24 Länder an. „Berlin und Hamburg sind unverändert die meistbedienten innerdeutschen Strecken, Antalya und Thessaloniki zählen zu den stärksten Zielen im Ausland“, heißt es am Donnerstag. Auch Drehkreuze wie Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Istanbul, London, Paris oder Wien bleiben weiterhin an Stuttgart angebunden.
“We have fewer direct destinations in the plan than usual, but the region remains connected to the world even in winter. Due to quarantine regulations and warnings, many are currently not traveling. It will take some time before demand picks up again. We hope that the air traffic summit in Berlin at the beginning of November will show how the industry can survive this dry spell, ”said Arina Freitag, Managing Director of Flughafen Stuttgart GmbH.
Whether the demand will actually cover the entire supply remains open. Because from November 8th, new travel rules for travelers will come into force. Thereafter, the quarantine for returnees from risk areas ends at the earliest five days after entry, provided a negative test result is available. This controversial rule could potentially deter travelers.