Traffic jam (Photo: ÖAMTC/Wilhelm Bauer).
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Traffic disruptions due to ski season and events in Vienna and Tulln

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The ARBÖ warns of increased traffic volumes and delays on Austrian roads. In addition to winter sports traffic, the holiday fair and the "Vienna Drive" at the Vienna Exhibition Centre, the "House Building + Energy Saving" fair in Tulln and the ice revue "Holiday on Ice" at the Vienna Stadthalle will also cause traffic disruptions.

When the weather is good, the ski season leads to a large influx of people into the ski areas. Well-known traffic arteries are particularly affected, such as the Tauern Autobahn (A10) in the construction area between Golling and Werfen, the Zillertalstraße (B169), the Fernpassstraße (B179), the Pass Thurn Straße (B161) and the Silvretta Straße (B188). The ARBÖ recommends allowing more time for these routes.

The “HausBau + EnergieSparen” trade fair will take place in Tulln from January 17 to 19, which will lead to delays on the Stockerauer Schnellstraße (S5), before the Tulln exit, and the Tullner Straße (B19). However, visitors can use a free shuttle bus from the Tulln and Tullnerfeld train stations.

In Vienna, the holiday fair from January 16 to 19 will attract numerous visitors. The mobility fair "Vienna Drive" will also take place at the same time at the Vienna Exhibition Center. Traffic disruptions are expected, particularly on the Südosttangente (A23), at the Prater junction, around Praterstern and Vorgartenstraße. The use of public transport such as the U2 subway line is recommended.

The ice revue "Holiday on Ice" will be performing at the Vienna Stadthalle from January 16 to 26. Drivers should expect traffic jams on Hütteldorfer Straße, Neubaugürtel and the streets in the Nibelungenviertel. The ARBÖ also recommends using public transport here.


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