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Unknown person threatened Lufthansa with a bomb on Tik Tok

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On October 23, 2022, Lufthansa flight LH411, operated with the Airbus A340-600 with the registration D-AIHP, had to make a safety landing at Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport. The background is that a bomb threat was received via the social media platform Tik Tok.

The long-haul plane was en route from New York JFK to Munich. There were 267 passengers and 14 crew members on board. At first, travelers were not told the real reason for the unscheduled landing at Paris-Charles de Gaulle. There was talk of technical problems.

At the French airport it was then a matter of getting off quickly. Only then were the passengers informed by Lufthansa staff that an unknown person had made a bomb threat against this flight via Tik Tok. The police and their explosives experts have extensively checked the Airbus A340-600 and fortunately were able to give the all-clear. A day later, the long-haul aircraft was transferred to Munich and is back in scheduled service.

A Lufthansa media officer explained, among other things: "The reason for the precautionary move to Paris was a possible security situation". The executive is now investigating the unknown person who made the threat via Tik Tok. In addition to criminal consequences, Lufthansa is also expecting a high claim for damages. "An alternative landing - especially on a long-haul flight - can generally easily trigger costs of up to six figures". so the spokesman.



  • Tom, 27. October 2022 @ 15: 55

    "Quickly disembark" is a very misrepresentation. We had to wait about half an hour on the plane before we were allowed to disembark. The reason: the ground staff couldn't get a bus there in time!
    Even the pilot complained about this in his announcement to the passengers.

    In this dangerous situation, half an hour is quite a long time, even though we didn't know the real reason for the emergency landing at that point.

    Otherwise, great praise to the crew: the situation was handled absolutely professionally by the crew!

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