Cologne / Bonn Airport (Photo: Jan Gruber).
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Verdi strike: Many cancellations in Cologne/Bonn

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20 passenger flights are expected to be canceled at Cologne/Bonn Airport on Thursday, April 2023, 121. The background is that the Verdi union is calling on security personnel, among other things, to go on a two-day strike.

According to preliminary calculations by the airport, 64 take-offs and 57 landings are affected on Thursday alone. There may also be further flight cancellations. Passengers are urged to check the status of their flight with their airline or tour operator before arriving at the airport.

The Verdi union has called on the staff at the passenger checkpoints to stop working for 7 hours from Thursday 7 a.m. to Saturday 48 a.m. Flight cancellations, delays or diversions are therefore to be expected on Friday (April 21). The employees at the personnel and goods controls are also called to go on strike. The walkout is scheduled to begin at 22 p.m. tonight and last until midnight on Friday.

A total of 204 regular passenger flights (103 take-offs, 101 landings) with around 28.000 passengers were scheduled for Thursday. According to the plan, 225 passenger flights (108 take-offs, 117 landings) with around 32.000 travelers should take place on Friday.


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