With free ÖBB ticket: China Airlines is pushing Okinawa flights

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From January 2024, China Airlines will offer connecting flights from Vienna via Taipei to Okinawa up to three times a week. As a bonus, travelers receive a free ÖBB ticket to travel to Vienna Airport.

The flight details are as follows:
CI 064 VIE TPE 1100 0530+1
CI 120 TPE OKA 0815+1 1045+1 >> Total travel time 15:45

CI 123 OKA TPE 2000 2040
CI 063 TPE VIE 2235 0605+1 >>Total Travel time 18:05

Further information about the free ÖBB ticket can be found under this link directly from China Airlines.

Airbus A350-900 (Rendering: China Airlines).
Airbus A350-900 (Rendering: China Airlines).