Bodensee-Airport (Photo: Friedrichshafen Airport).
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Bodensee Airport ends insolvency proceedings

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With effect from April 01.04.2022, XNUMX, the airport will now also formally end the insolvency proceedings under self-administration.

The creditors had already unanimously approved the airport company's insolvency plan on July 28 last year, and the last hurdle was cleared with the final positive decision by the EU Commission on restructuring. The competent Ravensburg insolvency court confirmed the insolvency plan on March 16.03.2022, 31.03.2022, and has now canceled the insolvency proceedings under self-administration by decision of March 20, XNUMX. Bodensee-Airport can thus start debt-free into the future. According to the insolvency plan, the creditors will then be served at a rate of XNUMX percent in May.


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