Photo: Memmingen Airport / Maximilian Mair.
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Memmingen Airport handled more passengers in the summer than ever before

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Never before in the history of the airport have there been so many passengers as were counted during the six weeks of the Bavarian vacation: In the period from July 29 to September 12, those responsible in Memmingen counted 326.738 passengers.

This corresponds to an increase of 2019 percent compared to summer 18, 277.122 passengers were in the same period. Compared to the 2021 summer holidays, this results in an increase rate of 43 percent. "We've never had such a record summer," emphasizes Airport Managing Director Ralf Schmid. The reasons are varied. "Above all, there was an immense desire for vacation and travel," he explains. This affected both the classic sunny and holiday destinations as well as visits to friends and relatives, which are particularly important on routes to Eastern Europe. But the constantly growing range of attractive routes also contributes to the rate of increase. His conclusion: "We are one of the few German airports that have left the pre-crisis level behind and are on a clear growth path." In total, more than 1,3 million people flew to and from Memmingen this year by the end of the summer holidays .

On peak days, up to 8.000 passengers were handled at Memmingen Airport. "It was an enormous challenge for our team, which they mastered with flying colours," continued Schmid. "A big thank you for that!" Most of the passengers flew to Mallorca, followed by Sofia and Pristina. The routes to Porto, Calvi on Corsica and Alicante were the best and most popular. The airline Ryanair also welcomed its eight millionth passenger from Memmingen during the summer holidays.


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